Monday, June 10, 2013

How to overcome social anxiety

Social anxiety is very common among teens and young adults. The term social anxiety is when a person simply feels nervous, scared, anxious, or extremely nauseas whenever they are talking to strangers or people whom are good looking.

These are a couple of tips I have learned over the past few years about overcoming such a problem. I had such troubles with social anxiety, that I used to sweat incessantly and shake every single second when talking to other people.

1) Imagine your embarrassments happening to them

Let's say that you are simply nervous because you may fall down or make a fool out of yourself in front of other people. Imagine if that hot girl or that good looking does exactly what you are trying to avoid, and imagine how they would deal with it. Chances are, they won't feel too embarrassed. So neither should you.

2) Talk

Try to talk to other people little by little. If you can ,strangers are great to talk to. You should know that you are never going to get better and feel more relaxed next to other people when you don't talk to other people.

3) Family and friends

Try talking to cousins, uncles, and aunts whenever you can during parties. Parties are great because you can always talk about how you guys all know each other. Remember, family and friends are vital to look out for because you can learn how to talk to other people and develop your speaking skills.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Three Reasons Your Anxiety Has Never Disappeared

Discover the three main reasons as to why anxiety has never left your side. Find out exactly what you are doing wrong and start living a life free of anxiety of phobias. Once you know these things, you will be able to understand how to stop yourself.

 #1-You hang onto it incorrectly

 You don't allow for it to go. When anxiety comes, let it go. Do not entertain or think about it. Learn to let go and let it bel anxiety won't do you any good. You hang onto it. You make it suppress your thoughts. You make it overcome you as well. This is the biggest problem some people deal with.

 #2-You don't calm down

 The main key to succeeding is to simply begin calming down as often as you can. You must calm down and relax. Let your mind relax. Calm yourself down not during the anxiety. NOOOO. Calmd yourself before it ever comes.

 #3- You try to push it away

 Now, listen up. The third biggest reason is the fact that you try to push it away. In other words, learn how to let go of the anxiety, but instead of letting go, you may try to consistently push it away. This is ñot the right way to do this. In order to begin removing your anxiety, let your anxiety know mentally that you can take the pain. Say to your anxiety "Go. Make it worse. Let's see what you can do. You can't do anything to me. Make it worse."

Click here and learn some more great tips to remove your anxiety!

At this point in time, your body will begin to change and your emotions will change as well. You will be able to feel as though you are more powerful than you think of your anxiety. This gives you a sense of power, strength, and power. This is the one key technique that can help you get rid of your anxiety completely.